If you have claustrophobia, you avoid cave exploration. If you have acrophobia (fear of heights), you avoid sky diving. In either case, you can live a fulfilling life without joining in these activities. At Turlock Dental Care, we help you overcome your dental anxiety.
What if you have dentophobia or a fear of the dentist? (Yes, it's a real thing with an official name.) This is different than the phobias mentioned previously. Since dental visits are vital for a healthy smile, it's not a smart move to simply avoid dental treatment.
Yet many individuals try to do just that. That is, until they have a problem that gets so painful they are impelled to white knuckle it through a dental visit. At that point, the treatment may be an extraction that could have been prevented with earlier intervention or preventative treatments.
If you are plagued with severe anxiety when undergoing dental treatment, oral sedation is for you. Whether it is called relaxation dentistry, oral conscious sedation, sleep dentistry, or anxiety-free dentistry, it has proven to be safe and effective.
Dentophobia is complex and may be accompanied by any of the following:
3131 Colorado Ave Turlock, California 95382